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MacBook Pro A1398 trackpad not working


I just repaired my Late 2013 15“ MBP. The keyboard was broken and I replaced it. The trackpad worked perfectly fine. While removing the keyboard, I ripped the trackpad cable apart. So I also replaced that with a new one too.

First, the trackpad was not recognized by the computer. I then reset the bluetooth module, which seems to have fixed that.

However, the mouse still doesn‘t move, and clicks don‘t get recognized. The trackpad shows up in the device Information window as the correct USB device. The Mac Diagnostics didn‘t show any errors, neither did the system log files.

I also tried to reset the SMC and NVRAM. Neither one did the trick. I also deleted the trackpad and mouse plist files.

All the components are installed correctly. I checked three times. I‘m pretty confident it‘s not the replacement part, because the keyboard wasn‘t working without the trackpad, and now it does.

Any ideas what might be wrong or what else I could try?

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What plist files did you delete? Depending on which ones you deleted you might need to reboot.


Thanks for the fast reply!

I rebooted after deleting them, but that didn‘t help


Then you may need to reinstall the os.


Unfortunately, I already tried that too. I came to the conclusion that the replacement part might be the problem. So I ordered a new one from a different source


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Replacing the Trackpad did the trick! Anyway, thanks for your answers! :)

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Try pulling out the keyboard and seee if it is interfering

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Did that right now - it didn't change a thing. However, the keyboard is not working without the trackpad cable. At this point, I suspect that I somehow broke the trackpad itself when I removed the battery. I ordered a new one which should arrive next week


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