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Announced on October 16, 2014, identifiable by the model number A1347 and EMC 2840.

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upgrade past high Sierra after replacing fusion HDD with SSD?

I have a 2014 Mac mini with a fusion drive. About 2yrs back I replaced the HDD portion of the fusion drive with a SSD. I was and am still run High Sierra and a bootcamp partition with Windows 10. Both work fine and the Mac mini is nice and speedy.

I now want to upgrade OS X to Catalina but the Apple upgrade tells me my core storage is not supported. Anyone know why? As mentioned, this config is running fine with High Sierra and a bootcamp windows 10 partition.

Apple support has been no help thus far. Is there a way to upgrade to Catalina with my current fusion config (PCIe & SSD making up my fusion drive)? I don’t plan to disassemble and put back an HDD…. yet and only if no choice…. Hopefully I don’t have to fall back :-(

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Standard Storage:500 GB HDDStd. Storage Speed:5400 RPM

Details:By default, this model was configured with 500 GB hard drive, but it also could be configured at the time of purchase with a 1 TB "Fusion Drive" (which combines a 1 TB hard drive and a 128 GB SSD) for an additional US$250.

Try taking it to Mojave first as it may need a firmware update to go to Catalina.

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xyzzy будет вечно благодарен.
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