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The wi-fi only version of Apple's iPad Air, model number A1474. Available in Space Gray or Silver, it packs the custom A7 processor and ships in 16, 32, 64, and 128 GB configurations.

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Can I pay someone in my local area to install my battery with the kit?

is it possible to find people in the community in my local area (Perth, WA, Australia) who might be willing to install my new ifixit ipad battery for a fee? I don't think I'll be able to do it as the screen has a stable crack and I'm just not good at this type of thing.

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You could try going to a tech repair shop with the battery and ask to only pay the instalation fee.

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Try a DIY repair center, its likely that they will help you along the way. Repair shops normally charge a commission on any part they use + an hourly rate so they may be hesitent in using your parts. Esspecially as thier reputaion is risked if they use parts which they have not approved, which is likely to be the case with a battery from an unknown seller. There is a repair cafe in perth which might help https://repaircafeperth.org.au/.

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