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Released in October 2003, the iBook G4 replaced the iBook G3 as Apple's portable consumer computer. The iBook G4 was sold in 12" and 14" models and updated for the last time in 2005.

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AC adaptor DC end broke in the port. Wont pwr up.?

The AC adaptor was plugged into the G4 and got stepped on. The plug tip broke off in the port. Now I can get the green light on the jack to light up if I place it in correctly (just so) but no power on or charging indications. How do I open up the unit or check for power to the battery?

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I think you've asked the wrong question. You need to try to remove the broken tip from the DC-IN port and replace the power adapter. If you give us the last three figures of your serial number, we can get you to the correct guide. Usually the middle bracket of the back of the DC-IN board can be pulled out enough to get to and remove the broken tip. Replacement adapter can be had from iFixit or on eBay. [связанный продукт отсутствует или отключен: IF113-039]

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