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Announced on October 16, 2014, identifiable by the model number A1347 and EMC 2840.

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Can I upgrade so that I can load OS 10.15

Is it possible to upgrade some of the hardware so that I will be allowed to install Mac OS Catalina 10.15?

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Catalina requires 4 GB of memory, an increase over the 2 GB required by Lion through Mojave.

  • iMac: Late 2012 or newer.
  • iMac Pro.
  • Mac Pro: Late 2013 or newer.
  • Mac Mini: Late 2012 or newer.
  • MacBook: Early 2015 or newer.
  • MacBook Air: Mid 2012 or newer.
  • MacBook Pro: Mid 2012 or newer, Retina display not needed.

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The Mac Mini that we currently have has 8GB of memory, but it says that we cannot install OS10.15


what system are you currently running? is your machine stock?


How much free space do you have on your drive? Try cleaning it up.


I have 1TB drive and have 624GB of free space.


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mike будет вечно благодарен.
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