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Repair information on hard drives or hard disks. Hard drives are magnetic data storage devices. They are used in most desktop, laptop, and server due to their low cost and high data density.

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hard drive only works in media player

So here’s the problem, I’ve got a media player with a 2TB hard drive inside it and I want to start using it as an external hard drive instead but, if I take the hard drive out and connect it to a SATA to USB cable, the hard drive doesn’t even turn on.

I’ve checked it when it’s connected in the media player and it works completely fine, I can look at the files inside and everything.

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Hi @will_treds

Let us know what hard drive are you using.

I guess you are using 3.5 Inch HDD.

Do note 3.5 Inch need to have external power supply to supply to the hard disk.

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@salmonjapan Oh I see, I do have a 3.5" HDD. Would it work if I put it in an enclosure?


@salmonjapan thanks this really helped



You are welcome :)


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