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New SSD freezing, boot problems

About 2 months ago I installed a new INDMEM 256gb NVME SSD into my Macbook as well as a new battery. Initially everything went well booting off of my external hard drive, I am actually on the machine now.

The problem is that about 2-3 times a day when it goes to sleep and I wake it, after I type my password, everything freezes and I have to do a hard reboot, which is obviously not optimal. It will also occassionally go thru 2 boot cycles before going to the start up screen.

I have searched long and far for a solution, but haven’t found anything. Could it be a software issue? Do I have a bad ssd? Any help is much appreciated.

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I actually went and reset the NVRAM and the SRC controller as a last ditch effort. So far so good, might be a cheaper and easier option for anyone that doesn’t want to shell out another $100+


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You are hitting a known issue with M.2 SSD’s which are used instead of the original Apple SSD’s or one of the better 3rd party SSD’s made by OWC or Transcend.

See if you can get your money back for the INDMEM drive, In the mean time make a TimeMachine backup on an external drive and keep it up to date.

Here’s the better 3rd party SSD OWC MacBook Air Solid State Drives

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Kary m будет вечно благодарен.
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