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Samsung TV UA46D5500RR turns on and off repeatedly

I have a Samsung TV UA46D5500RR bought in 2011. Ii turn it on and shows samsung smart tv then turns off quick, then on, then off, and repeats itself till i unplug it. How can I fix it pls?

I have removed the WIFI LAN adapter as well but still the same problem.

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Most likely a problem with either the backlights or the PowerSupply - are you happy to take the back off of the TV and upload some photos of the boards in the back of the TV ?

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Swap out the HDMI cable for a lighter gauge.


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My TV just did the same thing after I swiveled the TV the the left. It immediately started turning on and immediately off. I unhooked the HDMI cables and then plug one back in as it was turning off and on. When I wiggled the HDMI connection the TV came back on and now works fine. My guess is the three HDMI cables pulled on the board in the back and cause a connection issue. My way of fixing it could cause a short so use your best judgements.

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