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A1708 / EMC 2978 — Released October 2016, this entry-level MacBook Pro retains its traditional function keys (as opposed to the OLED Touch Bar). The function key version packs an Intel Core i5 and two Thunderbolt 3 ports.

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Retrieve Data From SSD Drive

The motherboard for this older MacBook is fried and I want to recover the data off of the SSD. Previous searches made it look like there is no readily available adapter to convert the SSD into a USB to plug into my new MacBook. Have their been any breakthroughs in 2020?

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@rlusby49 - The SSD you have in your picture is not what the 13" Function key model had! The Fn model uses a very different SSD module.

Please verify your system info


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My question and the answer from @danj tells you what you want to know:

Is This Tool Really Necessary? Apple part #076-00236

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@mayer - I don't think the tool will allow you to recover data from the 13" Function Key model. But its about all you can do other than transfer the SSD into another Function Key system. Still no means to connect it externally like the older 2015 and older MacBook Pro retinas blade SSD's.


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