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Will not! It boot eliminated the power supply and main board...

I eliminated the complex items by replacing the main board with one I got on eBay that was fully tested and warranted, to be 100% sure that was not the issue. I was told the original board did not have capacitor issues by my local Apple Genius Bar. Secondly, I eliminated the power supply as being an issue due to what the diagnostic LEDs were telling me. Number 1 LED lights up when the AC adapter is connected to both the computer and a wall outlet. I'm beginning to believe it is something ridiculously simple. Any opinions? If u need further info, please let me know. Thanks in advance for your input!!

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The #1 LED will light up even if the power supply is bad. If the #2 LED comes on, then the power supply is good.

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I have mine rebuilt, three or four at a time for better pricing. This is probably the one you need: [связанный продукт отсутствует или отключен: IF166-000]

You can find repair services for these on eBay or DIY kits here: http://jimwarholic.com/2008/11/apple-ima...


What's your suggestion for getting a replacement power supply?


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