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Announced on October 16, 2014, identifiable by the model number A1347 and EMC 2840.

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Airdrop no funciona entre mac mini late 2014 y iPhone 7plus ¿por qué?

Mi Mac Mini Late 2014 y mi iPhone 7plus no se encuentran entre si usando airdrop, uso macOS Sierra 10.12.4 y iOS 13.5.1.

¿Pueden ayudarme con este problema?


Airdrop doesn't work between mac mini late 2014 and iPhone 7plus why?

My Mac Mini Late 2014 and my iPhone 7plus can't find each other using airdrop, I use MacOS Sierra 10.12.4 and iOS 13.5.1.

Can you help me with this problem?

Thank you.

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Review this guide: AirDrop Not Working? Here’s How to Fix It

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Muchas gracias, se solucionó el problema solo con usar el comando sudo pkill blued, gracias a su ayuda, ahora airdrop funciona correctamente.

Thank you very much, the problem was solved only by using the command sudo pkill blued, thanks to your help, airdrop now works correctly.


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