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Is MacBook air charger (45 w) repairable?

Is macbook charger (45 watt) repairable? My macbook air mid 2013 stopped charging, I tried everything i found on google but failed and eventually i had to open the charger to see inside. And I found out that one of the capacitor is blown out. Is it replaceable? If yes where can I find it.

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Sorry the chargers are not repairable.

Make sure you get a REAL unit as there are a lot of knockoffs out there now! Apple stopped preventing them from entering the country. Here’s what you need: Apple 45W MagSafe 2 Power Adapter for MacBook Air

Don't Replace Your MacBook Charger With a Cheap Knockoff

OEM MagSafe Chargers vs Cheap Imposters: Teardown for Truth

Lacking safety features, cheap MacBook chargers create big sparks

FAKE Magsafe MacBook Chargers on eBay - Watch before buying a Mac Charger

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arif hussain будет вечно благодарен.
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