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Announced September 9th, 2014, this device is Apple's first foray into smart wearables. iFixit's repair manuals are applicable to Apple Watch (steel) and Apple Watch Sport (aluminum).

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New screen coming loose.

I replaced the screen on my Apple Watch using the kit that included the force touch sensor in January. Everything was working fine. Recently (July) the screen came loose. The touch sensor is coming loose on both surfaces. The battery does not look bloated. It seems the adhesive is defective. What do I do now?

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You’ll need to get fresh adhesive Apple Watch Adhesive Replacement or the full Apple Watch Force Touch Sensor Replacement

What likely happened is the surfaces were not clean enough. Either old adhesive was present or the solvent you use to clean the surface left a film which prevented good adhesion.

Sun screen and bug sprays can soften the adhesive so make sure you don’t get it on the watch.

Apple Watch Adhesive Изображение


Apple Watch Adhesive Replacement



1 - 2 hours

Apple Watch Force Touch Sensor Изображение


Apple Watch Force Touch Sensor Replacement



1 - 2 hours

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If the force touch sensor is loose on both surfaces, can you still do the adhesive replacement? The guide shows the force touch still attached to the watch body and the adhesive being applied on the display side.


Its a sandwich: adhesive - sensor - adhesive

Its a matter on what failed the display side. or the case side, or both!


I bought a new force touch sensor from ifixit. I cleaned the surfaces of the watch body and screen scrupulously using isopropyl alcohol.

There was absolutely no residue on the surfaces. I even used disposable gloves to prevent skin oils from contaminating anything. After installing the new force touch sensor, I wrapped it in rubber bands and let it sit overnight.

The next day after wearing it for about three hours, the screen started to come off again.


What was the grade of the isopropyl alcohol?

Did you contact the iFixit store to see what they said?


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