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Announced in August 2017, the Galaxy Note8 is the successor to the recalled Galaxy Note7. The Note8 was made available to the public for purchase in September of 2017.

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Replace Type C and 3.5mm Audio Jack Samsung Galaxy Note 8

Need links to parts needed and a guide to perform the replacement

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these are the parts you will need and you can get the supplier from the pictures. You can get how to videos on YouTube and if you damage the rear battery cover you can also get it there for a few dollars. They have nex day or 2 day shipping with FedEx.

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After I replaced all this, it works great. However, my mobile network wont connect anymore. I got a new sim card after ecperiencing problems, but still continues. Carrier couldnt help either. Is there something that i didnt connect properly that would cause the mobile network not to connect?


Did you connect the antennas? I would check the connections


My Wifi is still working by the way. The blue and white antenna cables correct? The ones that connect the motherboard to the charging unit that is? I was thinking this too and I will open it and see. https://www.amazon.com/Samsung-Galaxy-Re... these are the ones im thinking you are referring to.


Yes those are the ones I am referring to. My guess is it has a bad connection or one the antenna cables may have popped off and look at a few of the videos and verify that they are connected to the correct positions.


Ok thanks ill order these off amazon in the meantime just to be sure they will arrive in 2 days and if the ones i currently have were damaged ill replace them and touch back.


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