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Выпущен 16 сентября 2016 года. Модель 1660, 1778. Стандарты связи GSM или CDMA. Память 32, 128 или 256 ГБ. Цвета: розовое золото, золотой, серебристый, черный и глянцевый черный.

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Bad call quality on iPhone 7

I have an iPhone 7 and when I call someone my voice sounds distorted to them. Is this a software problem or do I need To replace the microphone or something?

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While it could be a software glitch, it's also possible that there might be an issue with the microphone.


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The iPhone 7 is renowned for its audio faults. I would suggest first trying SIRI if she can understand you it rules out the top microphone and maybe a hardware issue. I would try replacing the dock port assembly as this has two microphones and speakers which sometimes become faulty.

You could also try with head jacks and see if it makes a difference also check on voice memos.

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Thank you! This is very helpful.


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