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Repair information for Sharp televisions.

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Will it work by replcing a single metal dome?

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Hi there,

I have recently encountered an issue with my Sharp smart TV remote controller, I managed to disassemble it and one of the mental domes was damaged, it won't bounce back up.

So I wonder if I replace just the damaged mental dome, will it working again as normal?

The thing I need to do is that peeling off the adhesive tape with metal dome on it.

Please help me, thank you very much!

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@v3nuo take a picture from the other side and post it as well. Those “domes” look like microswitches. You would need to replace it completely to repair the remote

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Hi @oldturkey03, thank you very much for your quick reply, I have tried to peel off both the damaged metal dome and a working one, as they are completely independented, so I can easily peel them off.

I will try to replce the damaged dome with a good one, and see how's it going, thanks again for your kind reply and help.


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