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water accumulating in the bottom on the L/H side of the freezer

I have a Frigidaire up right Refrigirator & Freezer. I have water accumulating in the bottom on the L/H side of the freezer. I can clear the ice from under the bottom drawer and It will appear in the floor again after 2 or 3 days. The water accumulates in the bottom of the freezer in a side-by-side model Frigidaire Model# FFHS2611PFEA.

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@Clarence Stewart The drain line is clogged. You’ll need to unplug it. Clean the condenser coils and the drain line located behind the unit by removing the access panel. Use a vacuum or coil brush. The drain line should pull out for cleaning. Once cleaned, remove the rear panel inside freezer. You might need to remove all shelves and rails. At the bottom, below the evaporator coils, is the drain pain. Pour hot water on pan until it drains out the tube underneath. DO NOT USE A BLOW DRYER TO THAW ICE. Attach all panels, shelves, rails etc. plug in. Condenser coils must be cleaned at least once a year, more if you have indoor pets, to prevent this from reoccurring. Dirty coils will cause the compressor to run hot, refrigerant won’t flow properly, unit won’t cool and cause serious damage to system.

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