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Released by Samsung in March 2016. Model SM-G930.

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Swapping mother boards and memory transfer

My brother used to own a Galaxy S7 but it stopped working about a year ago. When taken to a repair shop, they said the motherboard needed to be replaced, so my brother just ended up getting a new phone and his S7 has been stored ever since. I currently own an identical and functioning Galaxy S7, but recently the charge port stopped working so i bought a new charge port (with the board and everything). While trying to repair my phone i accidentally damaged the screen. The phone works perfectly but i cannot see or use the screen (it is unresponsive and completely black). My question is, if i take the mother board from my damaged screen phone and install it in my brothers old phone, will that phone have everything my phone used to have and would it even work? They are identical brands, models and phone carriers. If i put my mother board on another identical phone, will all of my information be transferred with the motherboard ?

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@junangel12 yes all your information is on your motherboard. I think it would be easier to just replace his screen to your phone since you may run into issues with the fingerprint sensor…..

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