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Repair information and guides for the updated version of the 2015 Retina MacBook that was released in early 2016. Model A1534 / EMC 2991

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Can I replace early 2016 MB keyboard with better butterfly version?

Hello! I’ve been meaning to replace the keyboard on my early 2016 retina MacBook. Some of the keys got stuck and I ended up breaking them trying to fix the mechanism.

I plan on buying a new top to completely replace the keyboard in its entirety. Which version of the keyboard is the most recent one I can use? If possible, I’d like to get a keyboard for a later MacBook model where Apple have improved the butterfly mechanism, instead of using the same version I already have and get more keys stuck in the future.

Thanks in advance,


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here’s Apple Replacement program to get it fixed for free:


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Thanks for the reply! That might have worked when the keys were just stuck, but I messed them up bad trying to fix them myself (in a very visible manner) so I don’t think my case would qualify for a free fix. :(


Sadly, the uppercase is deeper as the Magic keyboard (back to the scissor keyboard) needs the space. So no you can't replace the butterfly keyboard with the better scissor keyboard.


But there are two generations of the butterfly keyboard, right? One on Macbook Retina 2016, and another on the 2017. Can I use the 2nd gen from the 2017 on my 2016 macbook?


The MacBook models didn't get the last generation of the Butterfly keyboard designs from what I've seen.

The system had been discontinued July 2019 with no redesign of the keyboard the MacBook Pro's got in 2018 during its production run.


@danj Ah! Thanks for clearing that up! Then a simple replacement is the best I can hope for I guess, (and making sure I treat the keycaps better...) Cheers, O


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