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Sony Alpha A77V Display LCD no Backlight

Hello, I have an old Sony Alpha A77V with faulty LCD Display (it works, but without backlight).

I bought a new one on Aliexpress for 9€ and a new flex cable for 30€ on eBay. Today I opened the camera and I tried to fix it.

The new display works, but doesn't have Backlight, that is exactly the same problem that the original display.

I changed the flex cable, and the same happens.

Some idea of how I can fix it?.

The patient:

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Note: no native English speaker, sorry.

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Thanks a lot for your help, and sorry to don't answer until today, I didn't get a notification about your answer.

Finally, I sold the camera some months ago, but for next time it's very interesting that it can be fixed only by replacing the fuse.

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@naratz first try to reset the camera to factory settings. Consult your User Manual for that. If that does not work, check your circuit board. Most of these cameras actually have a fuse for the backlight circuitry. Post some really good images of only the circuit board (front and back) with your QUESTION.

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Thank you @oldturkey03 . I already did the reset, the normal and the hard reset, didn’t help.

Yesterday I sealed the camera to use on a trip, next time when I will have time to open it I will try to post the photo of the board.



@oldturkey03 updated the question with new photos.


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I had the same problem on a Sony RX100 and on a Panasonic ZS200.

The culprit is very likely be the Backlight Fuse which is probably a SMD Fuse.

Sony Boards Typically have some writing on the like F1 F2 F3 etc those fuses are usually located near this writing but may also be a few mm to a cm away.

Update (01.03.2023)

Here are the fuse locations from the Service Manual. There are 4 of then under this transparent thing.

If you Google for Sony A77 service manual you can find it for download on manualslib

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These 3 little black things look like they are the fuses

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I just saw that this one thing saying CAUTION actually has some stuff about fuses, it mentions F0502 and others so looks like the notation for fuses is Fxxxx.

If you cab locate them, check the with a multimeter. YouTube has videos about how to check if a Fuse works.


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