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Repair information for Sharp televisions.

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Display lights up then goes dark

I have a Sharp LC-60LE832U TV. The screen went black suddenly while viewing one day. The console light (white V in bottom of bezel) was flashing one long and one short indicating a lamp error. I performed the “Input + Vol -” procedure to turn the TV on. The backlight comes on for just a second then goes dark. When I do a flashlight test I can see the service menu. How should I proceed? Does this sound like the power supply? backlight array? Is this something I could test with a multimeter to determine and what steps would it entail? I am an IT professional with a lot of experience under the hood of electronic hardware.

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@rcm907 since you can see the menu etc. with a flashlight it is your backlight that has failed. Most commonly would be a failed backlight strip. Of course you always want to check the voltage going to your backlight LED’s but…..be prepared to change the backlight strip

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