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Released in 2012, this laptop features a Core i7 processor, dedicated Nvidia 620M GPU, and a 1080p display.

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Looking for possible 2020 upgrades

Hey guys,

Not ready to give up on this baby just yet.

Currently i use 8gb ddr3 ram and 250 ssd (2013 upgrade)

I’m looking for possible 2020 upgrades.

ram, NVMe, wifi ?

You name it.

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I think you asked the wrong question, Mr. @danj . hehe

Yes, this computer can be upgraded. RAM and SSD. If wifi fails, you should check the antenna before doing anything else.

From what I see on teardown it doesn't support NMVE, but I'm not sure.

Here is the disassembly so you can follow the guide.

Asus Zenbook UX32VD


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Your right! I needed a second cup of Joe this morning!


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