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Upgrading / Changing SSD with dead SSD inside MacBook


I'm looking to replace my SSD in my Macbook Air with this one: OWC Aura Pro X2 SSD from the Canadian iFixit Store.

I want to replace it, because the SSD in my Macbook is completely dead. (Smart Status: Fail). The product description says I need to install MacOS 10.13 before installing the SSD which I can't do because of the dead SSD. Is there any other way around this

Thanks in advance!

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Выбранное решение

You’ll need to use an external drive as your replacement temporally!

Take the internal drive out and then connect an external USB or Thunderbolt external drive. It doesn’t need to be big.

Restart your system and enter into internet recovery, from there open Disk Utility to format the drive and then run the OS installer (High Sierra or newer). Once done the systems firmware will be updated to the needed firmware level. Now install your new internal drive. Repeat the process but this time on the internal drive - Done!

Reference: How to reinstall macOS from macOS Recovery

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Just a follow up question, I had the Macbook running until this summer and kept it up to date. Would that mean the firmware is already updated or do I still need to do the update through the external drive?


The version of macOS determines the firmware version.

Within the firmware is drivers in this case Apple introduced a open API PCIe/NVMe driver which allows 3rd parties under license to create replacement drives like OWC or Transcend in the High Sierra macOS and newer firmware update.


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Despite what the installation instructions say; I use any external USB device to to boot the machine from, usually an old 2.5” drive with system installations on it using a USB to SATA adapter. Install the SSD, Boot the machine from the external drive , use Disk utilities to format the new internal drive, then install a system on it (this is for systems up to high sierra that do not use APFS formatting.

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