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The Wi-Fi only version of Apple's iPad 6, released in March 2018. Available with 32 and 128 GB storage options. Features a 9.7" Retina display and 64-bit A10 fusion chip.

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iPad 6 Housing Compatibility

Hello! I need to replace the housing in my iPad 6 A1954.

I have tried looking for those and found a lot of affordable original iPad 5/iPad Air 2 cellular housings. I tried analyzing the differences between the two. And the only difference I noticed was on the right lower side. In previous iPads it was straight and in the iPad 6 there is like a little hill there.

I can’t seem to find any information if you can use the iPad 5/Air 2 housings for iPad 6 besides some old AliExpress housing listings which listed a product as compatible with Air 2 & 6.

Has anyone attempted this? Does anyone know if its compatible?

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hello Waffle,

there is no compatibility between 5/air, air2 and 6, Space for speakers and antennas, additional pins and holes. Another DOCK tape-out of the port. Brakets everywhere.

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Thank you so much for answering! I was gonna buy an air 2 case and try my luck because I couldn’t really find a definite answer. So thank you for letting me know and stopping me from wasting my $$ :)


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