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Sixth generation of the iPad, released in March 2018. Available in Wi-Fi and LTE with 32 and 128 GB storage options. Features a 9.7" Retina display and 64-bit A10 fusion chip.

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Why is my iPad 6 touch screen have a strip in the middle won’t work

My iPad 6 touch screen has a strip going through the middle of the screen that won’t recognize my touch what is worng?

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Hello, has the screen been cracked or iPad dropped? It could be a faulty digitiser, or even just a bad connection to the motherboard?


No it has the original glass and has never been cracked I accidentally dropped it once but that was like a year ago and it’s just now starting to happen


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Выбранное решение

hello Broderick,

there may be several reasons for the loss of touch in this model. The most common (and I suppose this has appeared in your case) are micro cracks in the touch layer under the screen glass. Fortunately, the touchscreen is separate from the LCD matrix, so its price is pretty low - around 12-15$. If you have experience, a lot of patience and accuracy, you can do it yourself. It will take you about 1 hour. Remember, that experience in working with electronics is key here, because at this stage, most of the irreparable faults are created, related to unauthorized repair attempts. In short, if you make a mistake, there is a good chance you will break the tablet beyond repair - which is very common lately.

write if you need assistance or see the instructions on iFixit.

  • regards,

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Thanks I’ve attempted it and I got the glass off I’m just waiting for a replacement glass thanks for the info and am finally getting around to this …


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