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Nintendo 3ds with cfw crashes when booting up

My 3ds has Luma cfw and godmode9 and if i boot it up, it crashes and a message is there. It says An exxeption occured Processor: Arm11 (core1) or something like that. Can someone help me? Yesterday it worked (with the homebrew)

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Most likely an update that messed with the boot files, I had the same issue, here’s how i fixed it:

Step 1: Hold START and press the POWER button

Step 2: Navigate to SYSNAND VIRTUAL and press the A button

Step 3: Navigate to firm1.bin and press the A button

Step 4: Click FIRM image options

Step 5: Navigate to Install Firm and press A

Step 6: Click Install to both

Step 7: Reinstall Luma3DS

If you do the move EmuNAND step when reinstalling Luma you should not lose any data

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I had the same problem and I did this and now I cant launch anything but the store


same here bro


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