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Repair information for the iMac G4.

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question mark on start up


Plz help

A flashing question mark appears when i start my iMac G4 15" when i insert installer CD its run and my hard drive is 0.00 Volume, I try partition and Format its not working.

Plz tell me how to fix.

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Thanks for starting a new question. As you have guessed, your machine cannot find an valid operating system. You did right in trying to repair it and then format it but it appears to be non-resurectable. Time for a new one. Your machine uses an IDE/ ATA or PATA drive not the current SATA drives. Here's a guide, while it may not be exact for your machine, will probably help you replace it with little problems. Remember to replace the thermal paste while you are in her: iMac G4 17" Model M9168LLA Hard Drive Replacement

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