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Model A1502 / 2.6 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz) or 2.8 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.3 GHz) dual-core Intel Core i7 processor with 4MB shared L3 cache.

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Non responsive device after battery change


I recently changed the battery on my Mid-2014 macbook pro retina (A1502). Prior to this only the battery had issues and everything else worked fine. Since this, my device no longer turns on. Reading other posts on here I have tested the following:

  • Charger shows an orange light when plugged in.
  • Charger light turns green briefly after completing an SMC reset.
  • There is no fan spin when pushing the power button and screen stays black.
  • Plugging macbook into charger with the battery disconnected does not turn the laptop on automatically.

Is there anything else recommended to test? What further investigations can be done into the issue to determine which parts need replacing?

Thanks for any help

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Ouch! This doesn’t look good ;-{

It sounds like you have some damage on the main logic board within the either the connections of the charging logic.

It’s time to get some help locally. Where do you live country and nearest city?

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Thanks, as I expected. Live in London, UK. Is there anything I can look at on the logic board to confirm this?


The only thing I can offer you is comparing the iFixit images to what your systems logic board looks like. A keen eye might see the damage.

There is a good shop in Liverpool which given your lockdown is the best you can do right now TheBookYard


Nice one, I'll look into that. Thanks very much


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