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Дата выхода 19 сентября 2014 года. Это большая версия iPhone 6 с 5.5-дюймовый экраном.

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I replaced the battery and it heats up while charging

IPhone 6+ heating up

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hello Raymond,

I figured you replaced the batteries, because it's been losing power pretty fast lately. Unfortunately, the removed battery should be checked before making a decision to replace it (at least because of ecology). Your iPhone was losing power possibly due to an electronic failure. Connect the meter and check. The battery may have been affected and may therefore be unusable for further use. If you fail to find the damage, a similar fate awaits a new battery, but in a much shorter time. The warmth you notice is a key. Defective electronic components often close the electric circuit to ground due to damage, which causes rapid heating. This is one of the ways to find electronics faults. If you don't feel up to it, take the phone to a good repair shop. This should take no more than 20-30 minutes and cost around $ 20-30.

  • regards,

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