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Echo dot power supply

My 3rd gen echo dot is supplied with plug of two flat pins, but I live in the uk with 3 pin sockets. Can anyone please tell me what I need for a plug? I’ve tried a plug adapter but it won’t work with this, so I don’t know what I need to buy.

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It would be very helpful to post a picture of the power adapter.

But, if you say it has 2 flat pins, then most likely it is the US version. You can either buy a US-to-UK wall adapter, a generic all-in-one travel adapter or you can buy the UK-version of the Echo Dot power adapter (this being I suppose the most expensive option).



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Hi Brogdan, thank you for your advice. I did try a travel adapter, but it must have been faulty as did not work. I have since tried another adapter and success! Appreciate your response, Happy New Year!


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