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Model A1502 / 2.6 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz) or 2.8 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.3 GHz) dual-core Intel Core i7 processor with 4MB shared L3 cache.

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ifixit battery with 336 loadcycles already at 36% capacity

I’ve replaced my battery using an iFixit kit last June. The first battery they send to me was defective and after contacting the support I’ve got a now one in replacement for free. After some months I’m noticing when I open coconut battery that the battary capacity is at 35% and this is very strange.

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I’m using the pc to work, I’m a software developer. With the original battery At the current loadcycles I had the 80 - 85% of the capacity. Is there any solution I can try? anyone with the same issue here?

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Not good! You’ll need to contact the iFixit Customer Support to get a warranty replacement.

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But I've alredy contacted them the first time, I don't think they will get in touch for this problem anymore? It can be a lot of defecte batteries ?


@ziobru - So the email is too much work or is the call going to set you back a weeks wages?

Come on! Nothing ventured nothing lost ?? Please contact them.

I have no idea if they had a bad lot. Ask them! In any case the battery is still under there warranty and they will honor it!


You're right, I will send them an email today to ask for support about this issue. I hope to be more lucky this time. I've read some comments of peoples who had the same problem with the battery they send them for the fix. I think that they had a bad batteries lot, I will ask also for this. PS: While I'm writing this comment, after charged the macbook to use it today at work, I've noticed that the capacity decreased to 32% :( !


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