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Power adapter cable isolation damnaged

My friend with a mecbook pro retina mid 2014 like mine, asked me if he need a new power adapter but I’m not sure about this, I’m a developer not a technician. He told me that the cable isolation is damnaged near the magsafe 2 connector and to fix this he used the electric isolation tape. He’s worried about problems that this can cause to the laptop. Is there any risk to damange the laptop and he need really to buy a new power adapter?

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Generally it’s the outer sleeve of the cable that fails.

If the internal wires are ok (jackets are not damaged), the best way to fix it is to use a drop of hot glue and then shrink tube. It’s a far more permanent (and elegant) solution than electrical tape. The hot glue helps to make sure that the internal wires remain put and the shrink tube provides better insulation that electrical tape because once in place, it remains there forever. The electric tape in this context has a tendency to unravel.

If the sleeves of the internal wires are damaged, then stop using it. It can cause a short-circuit and damage either the power adapter, the logic board or both. Sometimes fuses can be replaced, but it’s a costly process which far exceeds the cost of a new adapter.



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As he said to me only the external of the cable is damnaged, the power adapter works correctly without problems. Is there a way to check if also the internal wires are broken?


You need to visually check it. Ideally you would use a magnifying glass or, even better, take a close-up screenshot of the cable strands with your phone. Make sure there is sufficient light available (go outside or use a flashlight).

However, if this works as expected now, the chances of an inner cable to be damaged are very small. And, if you use hot glue and shrink tube, they will remain in place and the risk of a short-circuit is almost non-existent.


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