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Battery replacement hasn't led to any improvements in battery life!

Just replaced my 2013 Macbook Air’s old battery with a new iFix it battery but I can’t say its made any difference to the battery life so in effect its currently been a waste of money…..please help as surely it should improve the battery life significantly?

Update (01/14/2021)

Dan - I'm not going to risk taking the computer apart again (!).....but here is the image of the new battery via the coconut app.

Block Image

Update (01/14/2021)

Here you go

Block Image

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Lets take a deeper look at both batteries!

First install this app so we get a better view of things CoconutBattery take a snapshot of the apps main window, disconnect the current battery and plug in the other and repeat. post both here for us to see Adding images to an existing question. Make sure the battery is about half charged and your MagSafe charger is plugged in give it a minute before you take the snapshot for both.


I followed the instruction on how to upload an image but it doesn't seem to work - keep getting the image description as per above but no photo. I can see it in the media manager but when I attach to my post it turns to text.


@jfinch73 - The text element is a point to the media container tag, comments was not designed to support images which is why you see the tag and not the image.

Your original post is where you need to post it. Go into Edit mode to add it (review the blue URL link I posted)

The images shows me your MagSafe charger is not connected when you took the snapshot is that correct?


Yes the mag safe wasn't connected. Do you need me to take a photo with it connected?


@jfinch73 - Yes need to see it under charge as I explained in my first comment for both batteries.


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Well now with better information we can see the battery is charging! And the batteries capacity is where it should be.

So I don’t think your issue was ever a bad battery! If we had gotten data of your original battery I’m sure it would be very close to the same!

So if both batteries are the same and you are encountering issues with run time then you need to look deeper into what is your system doing!

You will need to go through the different elements involved here:

The first is looking at the SSD drive are you still using the original SSD the same came with?

  • If not what is it?
  • Is the drive too full? (you should have at least 1/4 of the drive unused and if you have a smaller drive then you need 1/3 free)
  • What is the health of the drive? Review the drives SMART data

Within your OS you can also have issues!

  • Do you have Anti-Malware & Anti-Virus apps installed? Are they upto date?
  • Are you running the most current macOS your system can use? At least Mojave 10.14.x
  • Are you running the latest versions of your apps?
  • Are you preloading apps via a Startup script?
  • Are you running lots of apps concurrently?
  • Are you running Chrome with lots of tabs open?

Have you tried reformatting and installing a fresh copy of your OS (and its updates)?

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