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keyboard in weird keys after water damage

so pretty much, a couple months ago i spilled soup on my laptop and it started acting up. the laptop would turn on, just not the screen. i left the laptop i storage for a while because i didnt think it would work again, but i just went and checked and it turns on :). the only problem is that the keys aren’t really in english anymore? like when i type in “C” is types in “ç”. i cant log into the laptop to try and switch the language because i cant type my password in properly.. what do i do?

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You'll need to try either a USB or Bluetooth keyboard


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Sadly it sounds like you have a bit of damage which will require a new keyboard MacBook Air 13" (Mid 2013-2017) Upper Case with Keyboard and here’s the guide: MacBook Air 13" Mid 2013 Upper Case Replacement]

MacBook Air 13" (Mid 2013-2017) Upper Case with Keyboard Изображение


MacBook Air 13" (Mid 2013-2017) Upper Case with Keyboard


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