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The March 2015 update of Apple's 13" MacBook Air features fifth generation Intel Core i5 and i7 processors, resulting in slightly increased performance and battery life.

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Using an NVME enclosure to clone the data on to the new storage


I am replacing my macbook SSD, the model is the Early 2015 Macbook Air 13”. I have the needed adapter to plug in the new SSD to the logic board. I was going to use carbon copy cleaner and copy m storage onto an external 2.5” HDD using a Sata to USB cable, put the new ssd in, boot form external hardrive and clone it onto the new NVME SSD. I was wondering if i could use an NVME enclousure and clone the data onto the new SSD and skip the extra steps of restoring the data from the hardrive to the new SSD.

Thesecond method is more expensive however, is this worth the money and will it work?

thank you for your time.

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hmm i do not know the answer to this


It has already been answered, please look below.


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That sounds like a lot of hassle. I did it in a different way which worked fine.

You can try this (Should take about 3-4 hours depending on your drive speed and network):

- Make sure you are updated to the latest macOS version available (This is pretty important, if you can’t do this please mention it as it’s a bit more effort to do).

- Perform a Time Machine backup to a separate external drive (Not the drive you want to use for your machine)

- Remove the old SSD and put in the new one

- Start in Network Recovery by pressing Cmd+Opt+R

- Clean install macOS in the new SSD

- Restore the Time Machine backup after the installation completes using the Migration Assistant prompt.

- Login to your Apple ID and whatever else needs to be reset (not much as Time Machine is pretty complete)

Hope this helps!

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Thank you however I am on big sur, and to do an internet recovery on the new SSD would you need to re enter your wifi pasword


@talhahneedshelp I believe that the last network you were connected to last time you had macOS is stored somewhere not in the drive. That doesn't only apply to Big Sur but most modern version.


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