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Model A1502 / 2.6 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz) or 2.8 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.3 GHz) dual-core Intel Core i7 processor with 4MB shared L3 cache.

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MacBook starting but no life from screen.

Hi Everyone,

I have a MBP Retina 13 (2014) (A1502) which was liquid damaged a couple of weeks ago. After the damage, the device would turn on, chime, then restart…and so on. (The screen did light up, but restarted before Apple logo appeared). I tried the usual - SMC, PRAM, Safe, Recovery etc… to no avail.

I cleaned the Logic, SSD, I/O, and Airport boards in meths (which I have successfully done in the past with other Macs after liquid damage).

Now however, the Mac will still chime on boot, but there is nothing from the screen at all. The fan continues to run until I turn it off so there is life. Again, I have tried SMC, PRAM etc… but nothing seems to get the screen lit. No life from an external display over HDMI either.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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Hi Ben, sometimes cleaning isn’t enough. When liquid hits the interior, it can also short out circuitry. Given that you’ve tried everything else. I’d bet the logic board needs micro-soldering or replacing. Micro-soldering takes longer (you have to send it out), but is cheaper.

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Hi Anna, thanks very much for your reply. I've had some slight development. Turns out there is no backlight. I can boot but can only see the centre of the screen by shining a torch through the Apple logo. Any thoughts or do you think it may still be a soldering job? Thanks again


@Ben Homer - Thats telling us the backlight power circuit needs repair on your logic board.

Do you tend to spray the screen cleaner directly on the screen and then wipe? If you do then the circuitry at the bottom of the display could have been liquid damaged, basically shorting out the power feeds or corrosion. Then there is the the logic board its self getting wet from a spill.


Hi Dan, thanks for the thoughts. I don't use screen cleaner so it won't be that. As it turns out, there are a few other things not working so think it's time for a new logic. Thanks anyway, Ben


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