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Nintendo's upgraded version of the Nintendo 3DS. It features bigger screens, longer battery life, better pixel density, and a better design.

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The bottom part of my 3DS XL Isn’t clipped in properly

So I recently got a 3DS XL (the old version, not the new version) And the right bottom part isn’t clipped in properly, is there any way you can fix this? (I have tried clipping it in, but it won’t work.)

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Hey thanks for the comment, but the screws don’t seem to be coming loose, so that won’t work, plus I don’t really wanna do that because I could break something and it wouldn’t work anymore, I spent a couple hundreds on it!


Did you use the proper screwdriver? You normally can't damage anything by just taking off this cover. You'll need a Phillips 000 screwdriver. (very small that is).


oh ok I’ll try and get a smaller one


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I think the easiest ways is to remove the bottom cover by removing the screws and then try to clip it back into place. You can follow the first few steps of the battery replacement guide.

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yeet будет вечно благодарен.
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