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Дата выхода 19 сентября 2014 года. Это большая версия iPhone 6 с 5.5-дюймовый экраном.

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Why does my iPhone sometimes dont respond

I have a 6 Plus that i’ve been using since launch in 2014. About a week ago i was using it normally when suddenly started to press something in the screen. It was the original screen from the box not a replacement. At the time i didn’t think of anything and just restarted the phone and fixed it. A few days later it started to not respond to touch. I put the display to sleep and turn it on it works again and repeats about every 5 minutes. Now it doesn’t respond at all. I was about to buy a new screen but decided to ask first as i think it might be a software problem as it started happening after i updated to ios 12.5.1. Do i need to change my screen?

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This could be touch disease; it is amazing to have lasted this long without having the M1 jumper installed. The only way to know for sure is to try a replacement screen. You can search for “iPhone 6 plus touch disease” It occurs when a pad under the touch IC becomes Brocken from its trace. It is caused by the flexing of the phone.

 The repair requires the touch IC to be removed and a micro jumper wire installed. The cost is about $80.00

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Alright! thanks for your answer i think i'll try a replacement screen i made sure that the phone is not bent so i think it might be the screen as i have a small water damage a few years ago


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