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Continuous Apple Icon Stare!

Diagnostics: 1. It will hold a charge, but not continue pass the apple icon; 2. Will not connect with iTunes at all.

Just want to be clear about the procedure I need to perform on it! Please let me know If I need to change anything!

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Try forcing DFU mode.

Plug your ipod into your pc.

Hold the sleep button (power button) and Home button for 10 seconds.

Then release the Power button but keep holding the Home button until your PC states "Found New Hardware". Then you should be able to restore it. If this doesn't work let me know.


Ok, the fact its blank is a good sign. Did you keep the home button held down when you got a blank screen? Keep a hold of it if you didnt. If this doesn't work google TinyUmbrella and download it, run it with your iPod plugged in and see if you can click "enter recovery mode". Then restore from there.

Let me know what happens.

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Thank you for responding... Okay, I have tried the 10s rule. After 10s, it completely goes blank (appears to shutdown) and restarts and does not go beyond the apple icon. (lol) I repeated this a couple of times to be sure, and got the same result each time. So, do I need to play doctor and replace something?


That was very helpful! Thank you for reiterating that I needed to hold the "home button." I didn't pay attention to that detail the first time, but it is working now. Thank you again!


You're most welcome. Voted original post up because you kept contact and were polite with your communication.

Glad I could help! That's what I'm here for.


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