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Model A1502 / 2.6 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz) or 2.8 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.3 GHz) dual-core Intel Core i7 processor with 4MB shared L3 cache.

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downgrading is a problem

II can’t downgrade to Sierra from catalina

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Well… No and YES!

No - You can’t just install Sierra on your drive as the file system was altered when your system was upgraded to High Sierra (or newer). So that’s the issue you are facing. Sierra requires HFS+ and High Sierra was the first version of APFS.

Yes - So how do you get back?

You’ll need to first make a backup of your stuff as you’ll need to scratch your drive down and rebuild it using Sierra.

Using the Startup Manager Option (⌥) key make sure your USB is bootable. Now you’re set to reformat the drive and install Sierra!

Reference: Mac startup key combinations

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