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Are Samsung 850 EVO ok to install as main drive


I can’t find a list of suitable or recommended drives to replace my failing fusion drive with an SSD. I have a Samsung 850 EVO that I’d like to use but don’t know if I can. Any help would be appreciated

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YES! your Samsung 2.5” 850 EVO SSD will work just fine! While not the fastest SATA III (6.0 Gb/s) it is not a slouch either! The performance difference against the newer versions Samsung 860 or Samsung 870 QVO SSD is very little on the smaller sized drives and a bit more with the lager models.

Here’s the needed guide iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display (2017) Hard Drive Replacement and make sure you get this kit to get the needed tool to open your system iMac Intel 21.5" (2012-2019) Adhesive Strips

iMac Intel 21.5" (2012-2019) Adhesive Strips Изображение


iMac Intel 21.5" (2012-2019) Adhesive Strips


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Thanks Dan! Very much appreciated


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