How to repair the magnetic on-off switch on the right earpiece?

I've had THREE of these headphones fail on me. The first was replaced by Sennheiser. The second pair now refuses to switch on though it charges OK. The third pair has started to switch off and on again randomly, which is the early sign of the problem.

The switch operates by rotating the right earpiece 90 degrees to a wearing position. I believe a tiny magnet in the headband causes a magnetic Reed switch to power the headphones on. For some reason, after a year or more, this becomes unreliable. I don't know if it's the fault of the magnet or the Reed switch but Sennheiser have refused to take ownership of the issue, despite the evidence that dozens, if not hundreds of users have experienced the same failure.

So ifixit, can you come up with a repair plan? These are expensive headphones (£200) and should not fail like this. “Please help me ifixit, you're my only hope!”

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Similar issue- they wouldn't turn on anymore. Went back and forth with Sennheiser because even though I bought them new/sealed, it was off eBay so they didn't want to honor the warranty. Eventually they did send me a new pair and let me keep the broken ones. The battery is good- it's just the on/off switch that must be broken. I'd love to repair them and give them to my wife.


I have the same issue, i saw an online video of someone that repurposed the bluetooth on/off switch as the on/off switch instead of the magnetic reed switch and just left the bluetooth in the state of always on.



found a blog post detailing the workaround. i opened up mine pair out of curiosity and found that the ribbon cable is severed internally and the cause looks to be from not being enough ribbon cable to route through the headset where the magnetic reed switch would activate.


Adam Len could you post the blog post here please? Also where exactly was your ribbon cable severed? Thanks, Mark



blog post:

ribbon cable was severed within the ear cup, looks to be due to there not being enough space within the earcup joint.


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