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{A1989 / EMC3214}—Released in July 2018, the 13" MacBook Pro features quad-core i5 and i7 processors and Intel Iris Plus integrated graphics.

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Touch Bar not working after screen replacement

Hello all, recently I had an issue with lines appearing on my screen and no matter what I did, they wouldn’t go away so I went to check on the issue. Even though I have never ONCE dropped or even bumped my computer, I needed a new screen. I went to get the screen replaced for a hefty chunk of change that made me cry a little at a certified service store and I just picked it back up but now my Touch Bar won’t respond! Is there a way to reset it or is it just broken now and I have to spend even more money to fix it even though it was working just fine before I got the screen changed. Honestly, I’m extremely frustrated that I’m having to do all this considering I take VERY good care of my electronics. Please help!

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Ouch! I would go back to the servicer as your problem should be covered under the warranty of the repair. Most repairs from a certified service provider are not fixed at the store, instead they are forward to Apples Repair Depot as which Apple is the real servicer and will cover issues like this that are discovered soon after picking up the fixed system.

Your time is ticking! Don’t delay!

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