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Announced September 9th, 2014, this device is Apple's first foray into smart wearables. iFixit's repair manuals are applicable to Apple Watch (steel) and Apple Watch Sport (aluminum).

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Screen now not working

I have just used the ifixit kit to repair the swollen battery in my Apple Watch. Unfortunately when i’ve put it back together, but before sealing the screen, I now have a screen which does not display the apple logo or other stuff. Instead it’s just a mess of multi coloured pixels. Have I broke the screen or is this damage to the rest of the watch, or have i just not put it back right?

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take it back apart carefully, check your ribbon cables and the FTC connectors for bent pins. they’re VERY small so you may need a magnifying glass to do this.

also check the ribbons for rips or tears. typically if something worked before and now doesn’t it’s a seating issue or a damage issue.

hopefully just reseating everything works!

good luck

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Thanks for answer. I have tried reseating/reconnecting a number of times but no joy as yet. It doesn’t appear that the FTC connectors are bent, but as you say even with magnifying glass it’s really hard to see. Is there anything else I can try?


@John Pailing the only other thing to try would involve getting another screen to test the boards in the watch. IE youd use a screen you KNOW works to single out a cause. by plugging in another screen and it still didnt work then youd know that it was on the PCB as opposed to the screen being bad.


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