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The PlayStation 3 Slim is the second version of the PS3 video game console with the original model number CECH-2000. Produced by Sony Computer Entertainment it fixed many issues of the original (fat) Playstation 3. It was released on September 1, 2009.

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Cannot Start Correct Hard Drive Not Found

I get an error message cannot start correct hard drive not found, purchased a new hard drive didn't fix problem????????

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Did you format your new drive by selecting "System Settings" and then the "Format Utility."?


it still says hard drive not found but it won't go into safe mode either????? Can't get any farther than the disk drive error message


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Cindy, try this. Make sure the PS3 is off. Press and hold the power button until you hear 2 beeps, then let it go. From the debug menu, select "Restore File System" and follow the prompts, hope this helps. Good Luck

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Not working boss


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