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Компания Apple представила iPhone 5s 10 сентября 2013 года. Ремонт данного устройства схож с предыдущими моделями, требующий отвертки и инструменты для вскрытия. Доступен в версиях GSM или CDMA; с 16, 32 или 64 ГБ памяти; в цветах: Серебристый, Золотой и «Серый космос».

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Why does my iPhone constantly vibrate when plugged in? No display.

So this was a phone given to me by a friend. The power button didn’t appear to work so I suggested a replacement. It did this wierd thing where it would only hold a charge to 2% when plugged in and switch itself off. So I replaced the volume flex and now there is no disaplay but when it is plugged into power, it just vibrates. It started as a contiuous vibration, but now it’s more like a phone call - intermittent. I had thought about changing the battery to address the charging issue, but I can’t seem to get my head around the vibrating situation. Any info would be helpful, thanks!

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This is a hated issue where if the battery gets over a certain % it kills itself. It can either be the battery, software, charger or blown cap or resistor. Try turning off battery percentage and turn it back on, try different software and finally change chargers. If all else fails take it to a repair shop as this can be a tricky subject

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