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Wifi detected but will not connect.

I have a 16gb first gen touch that the Wifi stopped working on. It will detect networks with full strength, but after asking for the security key it will say unable to connect. I have restored as well as upgraded and downgraded firmware. It isn't firmware or software. I wouldn't mind opening it if I have too, but wondering what could be causing the problem.

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you say after the security key. I know this is silly and don't mean to sound insulting, but are you sure you have the right password etc. to log onto the network? Right now it does not sound like anything that would require you to take your Touch apart.


I have tried it on countless different networks. Both open unsecured and secured. With all types of security. Yes the keys were correct.


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Sounds like a transmission issue. Was this ipod dropped or was the battery replaced. Because the transmitter of the unit has to contact the router and have a good handshake session before the unit can tell you it is connected and if the transmitter is broken or the antenna connector for the transmitter is not making contact it could receive the good signal but never connect.


Check the posting "I Pod Touch has WiFi problems" four or five postings below this one.

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