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The Dell Inspiron 11-3147 is an 11" laptop-and-tablet hybrid device. The screen can fold onto its back to allow for handheld usage. It was manufactured in August 2015 by Dell.

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Dell Inspiron 11-3147 WIFI NOT WORKING


using Dell Inspiron 11-3147 just for email communication (outlook) and everything is perfect. After dropping it WIFI is not recognizing any signal (not finding internet connection and network in win 10).

Just interested which PART is damaged - card or antennas? would like to replace it.


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This question was migrated from https://meta.ifixit.com/Answers.


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Unless your laptop had some incident in which the antenna cables were torn (which would be extremely unlikely) the issue is with the wifi card.

Here are the steps to trying to fix your laptop:

1: With the computer off, open the computer and reseat the wifi card. Try disconnecting and reconnecting the antenna cables too.

  1. If that did not work, try replacing the wifi card.


  1. Here is a useful iFixit manual on replacing the wifi card. It will work for reseating your wifi card as well:
  2. Dell Inspiron 11-3147 Wireless Card Replacement


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