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Model A1502 / 2.6 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz) or 2.8 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.3 GHz) dual-core Intel Core i7 processor with 4MB shared L3 cache.

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How to align a lid with the bottom case?

I have a MacBook Pro 13 (2014) in pristine condition. Never dropped it, zero dents or scratches. What I have noticed is that the lid is misaligned for some reason. It feels like it is it pushed to the left about 0.2-0.3 mm. It is barely noticeable but I can feel the misalignment on my fingertips. You can see it on the attached picture taken from the MagSafe side.

The screen opens with no issues or weird noises and it remains stiff, so the only thing that bothers me is that misalignment. I probably can leave it as it is but my OCD is killing me, especially considering I managed to keep this computer in such a nice shape.

Is it possible to realign the lid by unscrewing and screwing back hinge screws?

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See if loosening the screws gives you enough play to shift the lid. Follow this guide MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Mid 2014 Display Assembly Replacement to Step 6, then jump to step 12 to Step 16 just loosening the screws. Check the alignment as you tighten them up.

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Thanks, I wonder has anyone tried aligning their lid, kinda worried to make things worse, lol.


@tarasburia - Whenever I replace the display I need to align it, so while thats a repair, it's possible yours got a bump or was not aligned from the start.


@danj is it possible to align it "perfectly"? Overall, how difficult is it to set it properly? I mean, I am not a machine, so again, do not want to make it worse :)

I serviced thermal paste and performed regular cleaning several times but never worked on hinges.


I really can't answer what is 'perfect' I get it quite good when I do it and it doesn't take much work or skill to do it. I'm also a bit of an OCD temperament ;-}

Review the guide and take it slow or just leave it alone if its a bit much for you.


Thank you, Dan, I appreciate your help. Will probably give it a try on the next weekend. @danj


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