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Repair information and guides for the 2015 Retina MacBook Air. Model A1534

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My keyboard prints random symbols

About 2 hours ago i replaced keyboard on my retina Macbook 12 2015. It looks pretty normal until i start typing on it. It keeps typing random symbols on it's own. Here's the example:
The quick broown fox jumps overo the lazy dog. The quick broown fox jumps over the lazy dog. rrrrrrrorroroororororororrorororrrrr rororrrr.

Now it does "r" and "o". I don't know what should i do! When i try to clear the cable using rubber it just simply change those two to other ones.
I'm using Mac OS Big Sur 11.4

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Check your preferences setting for your keyboard

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If that doesn’t help you likely need a new keyboard assembly

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Thanks for the reply. It seems that problem is in the ribbon cable, not in keyboard entirely which i find pretty odd, since my old keyboard was doing just fine


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